Is an American entertainment and media company based in Newport Beach, California. The company features stories of Plato’s Great Year as described by Walter Cruttenden in his book, Lost Star of Myth and Time, and depicted in his documentary film, The Great Year, narrated by James Earl Jones. The company also produced over seventy Cosmic Influence podcasts, and a children’s book. We work with astronomers, archeologists, historians, writers, and artists engaged in reimagining our lost history based on the latest archeological and astronomical findings. Our current projects include Lost Star (the movie), a fictionalized story based on the book, written as a feature-length film.

BRI is a think tank located in Newport Beach, California, dedicated to exploring the cause and consequences of solar system motion. As part of its outreach program, BRI supports the Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge (CPAK), authors books (Lost Star of Myth and Time) and papers (Earth Orientation: Does Solar System Motion Matter?), produces award-winning documentaries, such as The Great Year (narrated by James Earl Jones), records The Cosmic Influence podcasts on Apple iTunes and the HealthyLife Network, and participates in other programs that teach about the importance and vast implications of solar system motion.

Ananda College of Living Wisdom: Higher Education of Higher Consciousness
Ananda College was founded to offer students not only the academic tools they need for achieving success in today’s world, but also the subtler understanding that is becoming increasingly necessary today for people to live as complete human beings. Completeness may be described as including, physically: balance, fitness, and energy; mentally: focus, clarity, and intuition; and spiritually: direction, serenity, inspiration, and higher guidance. Ananda also teaches students about the Cycle of the Ages, or yugas, which lends perspective to history, psychology, and many other branches of the formal sciences.

Sacred Sites are the most loved and visited places on planet Earth. Since prehistoric times, they have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of pilgrims from every region and religion. These holy places have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind, and awaken the soul. Anthropologist and National Geographic photographer Martin Gray spent 25 years as a wandering pilgrim to study and artistically photograph nearly 1000 sacred sites in 80 countries. This web site features Martin’s sacred art photographs and shows the location of sacred places and pilgrimage shrines around the world.

Inner Traditions is one of the oldest and largest publishers devoted to the spiritual and healing traditions of the world.
Their books celebrate the earth while seeding a new dream for humanity. We invite you to browse their many titles, find out what’s new and upcoming in their publishing program, meet some of their featured authors, and purchase books directly through their online catalog.